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Students in classroom

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We have a long history of providing exceptional learning experiences that meet the needs of busy adults. The College boasts multiple locations, highly-credentialed faculty, dedicated student resources, and flexible and convenient class schedules. We design our programs and policies to optimize student success. Those seeking advancement into leadership roles can find a selection of coursework relevant to their professional goals.


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Mercer University developed the Enterprise Learning Partnership Program to establish mutually rewarding relationships with local agencies and corporations. Organizations seeking to optimize the performance of their workforce can partner with Mercer for relevant and affordable degree programs.

The College of Professional Advancement in its commitment to busy professionals, provides flexible and convenient classes so employees can balance work and study. Through a comprehensive curriculum, employees strengthen competencies that support their educational and professional goals.


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The Dean, program advisors, and professors made my program and experience excellent. They truly care about our passions and ambitions and push us to do more.

Robert Watkins, Organizational Leadership, ’19

I have had wonderful professors who have exceeded my expectations, and I am proud of what Mercer stands for – academic honesty and integrity.

Deborah Kirkland, Human Resources Administration and Development,’20


Before I began my journey at Mercer, I felt that I was unable to effectively manage due to inadequate leadership skills. Through the practical curriculum and guidance from my professors, I now feel that I can effectively manage in today’s demanding public safety environment.

Don Towne, Public Safety ’17